Production support
High-quality production starts with a detailed production file
Production and assembly
The final step of a successful development process includes starting production and assembly. Just as for the other steps in the development process, you also have complete freedom here. Either you take control of production yourself on the basis of the production file supplied by us, or you also call on our expertise for production.
What do you need for the production of your product?
The production file is created in the engineering phase. In this file, we describe every part in minute detail. The various steps of the assembly process are also illustrated in the bulky file. By means of a so-called Design & Process FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) we subject this final step towards production to a critical analysis.
Why iDNA?
Years of experience with production processes and our structured approach guarantee the outcome of your product.

How do you want to organize the production?
You can also count on our full support for the production phase. We have our own assembly workshop. We are also happy to provide our expertise for searching for potential producers, assessing quotations and checking the first series.
The result?
With the production file and our support, the production process becomes parts of the end product. The product is then assembled.